Echelon/NES Smart Meters – probably our final post on this topic

Today I got a bit of a surprise – without any warning my power distribution company changed my power meter from a NES Echelon meter to a Landis+Gyr E360 meter.

This means that I unfortunately have no way of testing and working on new hardware/software for our Dabbler MEP interface.

I hope someone else with access to a NES meter with a MEP interface will pick up the task and improve the hard- and software further.

We’ll continue to keep the Dabbler GitHub running on

…and we’ll also keep the Documentation and message board GitHub we have setup in corporation with OSGP Alliance running:

7 Replies to “Echelon/NES Smart Meters – probably our final post on this topic”

  1. I want to point out that the amsleser seems to suooprt the NES G5 83335 power meter being installed by cerius in some parts of DK if anybody cannot find the relevant information.

    Another note, if you have a NES g4 meter, and the utility company wont allow you to access the IR or mep interface they are required by law to replace it to the g5 meter in denmark

  2. Hi!

    I’m trying to get a hold of a card myself, but it looks like uStepper. Any other way to get the data from my Echelon meter then?
    Thanks for the work anyways – very interesting 🙂

    1. Hi Alexander

      Thank you for your message.

      Unfortunately we don’t have any more cards, and as far as I know uStepper has also stopped selling them.

      Other options exists as the protocol is “just” a serial, but binary protocol.

      You can get the full documentation here:
      …and the Dabbler hard- and software is freely available here:

      Best regards
      Gert Lynge,

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